Just Before the End of the Story
My Liege, you've grown up! You no longer resemble that boy who nearly let the wolves destroy my mansion.
You are now the slayer of dragons! The scourge of ogres and skeletons!
Bane of vampires! He who possesses the Orb and Scepter of Sidrian!
He who wears the Mantle of Teevus!
And soon, Sire, you shall be the Returned King of Ardania!

Looking at you I see the faces of Great Rulers.
You are ready to fight for the Throne of Ardania!
Know, it shall not be easy - the battle with the Demon's Advisor was just the beginning.
But he was beaten, Your Majesty!
It means that the Demon can make mistakes. And thus we can win today!
My King, the mages of poor King Leonard summoned not just some random Baron of Hell, but the most dreadful of them all: The Barlog, Baron of Logic!
This Barlog is no ordinary demon. His mind is not the usual chaos.
It is cold and sharp as a blade.
Strength or fury alone cannot defeat him, only intellect and spirit and cunning!
In my hands, Your Majesty, I hold the Crown of Ardania.
I've kept it all these years for the one worthy enough to wear it.
It contains the spirits of all those who have worn it before you!
Take it, and may the strength and wisdom of the Great Rulers flow through your veins!

我が王よ、哀れなレナード王の魔道士たちは、ランダムな地獄の男爵だけでなく、その中で最も恐ろしいものを召喚しました: バログ、論理の男爵!

Mage in Grey
Fly, you fools! You won't defeat this enemy!
飛べ、バカどもめ!この敵を倒すことはできません !

Royal Advisor
My King, I've just been to a conclave of the High Priests of Ardania.
A rare occasion, buy all of the Temples agree that The Barlog must be banished back to his own world.
They've put aside their ancient animosities and are willing to help you in this task.
You have the power of the gods on your side, Your Majesty!

Royal Advisor
Representatives from the Temples of Dauros, Agrela and Helia believe their combined strength can deal with the Demon.
Their counterparts from the Temples of Krypta, Fervus and Krolm respectfully disagree.
We have no time for their petty differences, My Liege! We must build each set of three!
彼らのささいな違いに時間はありません、マイ・リエージュ! 3 つの各セットを作成する必要があります。

Baron of Logic
What we have here? An ambitious self-assured heir to the throne coupled with a cunning and experienced Advisor who, somehow, have convinced the people of this kingdom to aid them in a challenge against The Baron of Logic with all his infernal might! Delicious!

Baron of Logic
Logically, this conflict will follow as such: The Demon is stronger and more clever, thus the King and his Advisor shall die. Quod erat demonstrandum.
論理的には、この対立は次のようになります。悪魔はより強く、より賢いので、王と彼の顧問は死ぬでしょう。 Quod erat デモンストランダム。

Royal Advisor
Your Majesty, the Barlog is right - he is stronger.
But you, Sire, have a weapon as mighty! The Crown of Ardania!
With its help, the Heir of Royal Blood can summon the Spirit of Kings!
The Barlog will surely eager to fight him!
陛下、バーログは正しいです - 彼はより強いです。
その助けを借りて、ロイヤル ブラッドの継承者はスピリット オブ キングスを召喚することができます!
Barlog はきっと彼と戦うことを熱望するでしょう!

Royal Advisor
You can use the crown to lure the Demon's attention away from your kingdom!

Baron of Logic
My blast is equivalent to a five megaraistlin fireball!
Even the best nevril armor won't stand up against it.
I won't be the one defeating you... cold logic will!
最高のネヴリル アーマーでさえ、それに立ち向かうことはできません。

Baron of Logic
At last! A worthy rival! To fight this Spirit of Kings will be most interesting!
やっと!立派なライバル!このスピリット オブ キングスと戦うことは、最も興味深いことです。

Build Temples to Dauros, Agrela and Helia.
Their priests will protect you from The Barlog's servants by blocking their portal to our world.
But remember: the power of the gods only works while their temples still stand.

Royal Advisor
Representatives from the Temples of Dauros, Agrela and Helia believe their combined strength can deal with the Demon.
Their counterparts from the Temples of Krypta, Fervus and Krolm respectfully disagree.
We have no time for their petty differences, My Liege! We must build each set of three!
彼らのささいな違いに時間はありません、マイ・リエージュ! 3 つの各セットを作成する必要があります。

Royal Advisor
Your Majesty, the Temples to Dauros, Helia, and Agrela are built!
The gods have blocked, The Barlog's portal to his home-world!
A long as their temples stand, The Barlog cannot summon reinforcements!

Baron of Logic
Oh, it's a clever plan, I won't argue. But to block access to my home-world entirely, you need the combined power of three gods working in unison.
To affect this world your gods must to funnel their magic through these corporeal temples.
ああ、それは巧妙な計画です、私は主張しません。しかし、私の故郷へのアクセスを完全に遮断するには、3 人の神の力を合わせて連携する必要があります。

Baron of Logic
Ergo: I destroy one of three temples, and the seal is broken!
Ergo: 3 つの寺院のうちの 1 つを破壊し、封印が解かれた!

Royal Advisor
Sire, the priests of Fervus, Krolm, and Krypta bring word from their gods.
They have cursed The Barlog! As long as their priests have a place to perform the rituals, the Demon's power will be muted!
Fervus、Krolm、Krypta の司祭である Sire は、彼らの神々からの言葉をもたらします。

Royal Advisor
I believe he was trying to say "illogical."
Well, as for me... The Great King has defeated, the Demon, as the Great Kings always do!
othing can be more true! Your Majesty! Ardania awaits you!